Discussions around the “Gowin reform” in Poland.
the Gowin reform, Poland, higher educational institutions, education, scienceAbstract
The article studies the discussions around the Law “On Higher Education and Science” in Poland. The main and most substantiated accusations regarding the “Gowin Reform” include the attempts of the ruling party “Right and Fairness” to centralize the power and restrict academic freedom. However, the actual need to reform the system of higher education in Poland does not cause any discussions or doubts.References
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List otwarty do prezesa Jarosława Kaczyńskiego. Prof. Andrzej Nowak: Reforma Gowina marginalizuje społeczną rolę humanistyki. wPolityce.pl 22 grudnia 2018. URL: https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/426761-list-prof-nowaka-do-jaroslawa-kaczynskiego
Секція 1. Економічні, психологічні та політичні виміри суспільного розвитку в ХХІ столітті