Directions of higher education reforming in Ukraine.
higher education, competitiveness, state, national interests, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher EducationAbstract
Education is favoured as a strategic resource for improving people's well-being, ensuring national interests, strengthening the credibility and competitiveness of the state on the international arena. However, the current state of education in Ukraine, the pace and depth of its transformation does not fully meet the needs of the individual, society and the state. Globalization, change of technologies, transition to the post-industrial, information society, the priorities for establishment of sustainable development, other peculiar features of modern civilization predetermine human development as the main goal, a key indicator and the main lever of modern progress, the need for radical modernization of the industry, put on the state and society the priority ensuring task of the education and science development, the priority of solving their urgent problems.References
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